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Versi Leaders for wet fly fishing
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  1. #1

    Versi Leaders for wet fly fishing

    I was curious as to whether anyone has ever tried fishing wets with trout versi leaders. Would a person be better off with a full sinking line of different weights for those occasions when you need to get down deeper? Thanks for your insight everyone!

  2. #2
    World Record Trout
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Denver, North Shore MA and Midcoast Maine, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Outdoors1987 View Post
    I was curious as to whether anyone has ever tried fishing wets with trout versi leaders. Would a person be better off with a full sinking line of different weights for those occasions when you need to get down deeper? Thanks for your insight everyone!
    I think it depends on so many factors it is a hard question to answer. Depth, water speed etc. I have tried them and still have them but it complicates things. More stuff to carry, more tackle to learn. I have gone back to nylon for my wet fly fishing because I know how to work the tackle to get the results I am after. I think they would be good if you are dialed in but limited to adjusting on the fly without taking the leader off and trying another. With nylon you can tinker..just my 2cents

  3. #3
    Those are all good valid points. I was leaning that direction. I'm glad to hear all opinions. Thanks for the reply!

  4. #4
    *TPO Rockstar* wwelz's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    I fish wets frequently. I use an intermediate line and a floating double taper based on the factors that sherpa referred to. The only leader set up I use is a nylon 9.5 umpqua leader and a fluro carbon tippet sections. Here is one example. When I fish the Bighorn use a 9.5 3x nylon leader . I add a tippet ring to the end of the leader and add 4x fluro carbon sections to accommodate three wet flies spaced at least 2 feet apart. Conditions may require a deeper presentation. I use a method that Davy taught me which is threading a small tungsten bead in front of the point fly ( 2mm to 2.5 mm). sometimes the intermediate is the best way to go. I float the white river in Arkansas with two rods rigged for wet flies one with an intermediate the other a floating line. The intermediate setup requires a shorter leader. If you are serious about wet fly fishing you must learn floating and sinking line presentations. I believe the only way to learn proper presentation is to hire someone to teach you ( Davy Wotten ) or find a friend who knows English style wet fly techniques.Davy Wotten's wet fly ways video is excellent and the his wet fly tying video is the the best fly tying video I have ever seen. I get very cranky when anglers refer to wet fly fishing as swinging wets . This statement is like saying the only way to fish dry flies is upstream dead drift. Good wet fly fishermen use numerous presentations in every drift .

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by wwelz View Post
    I believe the only way to learn proper presentation is to hire someone to teach you ( Davy Wotten ) or find a friend who knows English style wet fly techniques.Davy Wotten's wet fly ways video is excellent and the his wet fly tying video is the the best fly tying video I have ever seen.
    Well hopefully I can learn enough to get started from his Wet Fly Ways DVD and the books he recommended and through reading his posts because I'm on the west coast and unless he happens to come to the area to put on a clinic then he's a little far for me to go right now. :/ Thank you for your reply! I wasn't aware that Davy ever used beads in any way for wet flies so I'm glad to add that to my knowledge banks.

  6. #6
    World Record Trout
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    Feb 2007
    Denver, North Shore MA and Midcoast Maine, USA
    A long standing goal of mine is to be able to spend some time down on the White with him(DW). In lieu of that, I read most everything I can -Dave Hughes' book is pretty good and I got a book by Fogg that I have yet to delve into. DW videos are very good. There are tidbits of info here and there online. Many talk of swinging wets but thats only a small portion of how you can fish them. Fishing wets upstream is incredibly effective in many instances but learning how to maintain enough contact with the rig is critical-his videos are pretty good in illustrating this but nothing beats hands on 1-1 learning. If you can use a longer rod in a lighter weight it will help a lot. I have used a Grey's 10ft 3 weight (originally purchased for EU nymphing but doubles nicely as a wet fly rod). I like a double taper line almost always; I do not have an intermediate for trout fishing but I do employ one for salt water wet fly fishing and it works well working wets(large large wets aka saltwater flies-I do fish them in a wet fly style with multiple flys on the rig). So getting an intermediate for trout wets is on my list too.

  7. #7
    Stocked Brookie
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    Jun 2011
    In medium flows on the Housy I use the versi intermediate clear 7ft leader. I attach 3 soft hackles 2ft apart for a total length of 13 ft. Slows down presentation. Works ok.

    New edition of Hughes' "Wet Flies" is a huge improvement over the first edition (which was excellent).

  8. #8
    Little Rainbow
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Russell, western massachusetts
    Agree completely on the Newest edition of "Wet Flies"! A real gem!

  9. #9

  10. #10


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