No doubt in my mind for this one so far as wet fly/soft hackle/spider.
Tail a few strands of Honey dun hackle.
Body 2/3 pale yellow silk 1/3 hares ear
Hackle Honey dun... very sparse for the spider// turn of two more for the soft hackle.
Wings. Pale feather fiber.
Hook fine wire 14 to 16.
A true honey dun hen hackle is very hard to find, and to a large extent so is a rooster. It is in my book one of the must have hackles. There are some hackles found on grouse and quail that are close.
I raise some Aracana poulty for this reason, they are the bird that produces the best HD hackles. If l cross stain those with a Andalusian rooster, perfect colors for dries.
It should be more or less a light to dark inner dun about 1/3 of the hackle moving out to a golden honey spangled shade, some may also have dun tips.
Last year when l was fishing the Taylor a hatch of pmd took place, the trout got on to them in a hurry. They also did when l dead drifted my pmd spiders.
The basis of this fly also serves me well for many baetis and other small mayfly species, hook size and color being the difference.