I'm refilling from the trips to Austria and out west. I ran out of some flies it was so good. If I took a picture of my fly box there would be some serious holes in it!
To freshen the forum a bit from stale topics I offer this question. How are you getting ready for the next phase of trout fishing in the North East? What are you tying? Photos, recipes, etc.....
I'm refilling from the trips to Austria and out west. I ran out of some flies it was so good. If I took a picture of my fly box there would be some serious holes in it!
North East? I dont have the privilege of fishing there, so I dont tye for that area. I tye alot for the Rockies though.
Beer! The cause, and the solution to so many of lifes little problems!
Well in one week I am going to Michigan. I have been tying lots of woven nymphs, thread bodies, and my pt variation.
For the pt variation I am using it for an anchor flie.
Size 12 nymph hook
Tail wood duck
Abdomen brown died pt
Rib copper wire small
Thorax Jan siman peacock bronze
Black thin skin wing case
Flour orange tung bead
my favorite cdc emerger in H16-h18-h20, in brown and yellow body with grey wings... as usual.
Gremmel, Clema, those both sound pretty tasty. Care to share some pics? Unless they are both "secret weapons" of course!
My camera is out of commission right now but, if you look at Aaron fire fly on YouTube its really similar. The tails are wood duck instead of pt, its tied on a straight shank hook and it's got a wing case and differnt color peacock dubbing. So nothing new with that fly just slight changes. I caught my biggest fish on it in a size 16. I would tie up a few in different sizes and different color beads and try them out.
A few things for my son Michael to use here...the first week in August...
FAST WATER EMERGER – EPEORUS…Nemec/Variant – Daiichi 1760, #18…
KF PMD EMERGER…Murphy/Variant – TMC 100SPBL, #16 – #20…
NICK’S SOFT HACKLE PMD EMERGER…Nick Nicklas/Variant…TMC 2302 – #14 – #16, Daiichi 1760, #18…
BAT WING EPEORUS EMERGER…Petersen/Variant – Daiichi 1130, #16…
CLAKKA IRIS CADDIS…Matthews-Wiese/Variant…TMC 100BL, #14 – #18…
LITTLE YELLOW SALLY EMERGER – Howard Cole/Variant…TMC 5212, #12 – #16…
FOAM FLY ANT…Nymen/Variant – TMC 101, #14 – #22…
Every once in a while, he catches a fish there...
There are MORE... :O)
Daughter to Father, " How many arms do you have? How many fly rods do you need?"
I want to start tying some of the wet flys that Davy Wotton suggested to me:
1. Invicta.
2. Silver invicata
3. Whickhams fancy
4. Hares ear
5. Peter Ross
6. Greenwells glory
7. Coachman ( white wing )
8. Blae and Black
9. Green Peter
10. Alexandra.
I would also add the DW Muddler daddy
I've been out of commission this year from mid-January until mid-May in the hospital.
I got as far as aquiring most of the materials that I'll need to tie the above and then the acute problem happened.
Finally at home & getting back into the swing of things and feeling well enough to begin tying again.
Have a little more to do to clear up space on the table but will have that done soon.