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Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    This is the first post in a long time for a multitude of reasons. I hope this helps out Mantis some and anyone else looking to tackle the " Night Game " as Joe says.
    Joe's info is all great stuff especially on tactics regarding night & brush tactics and you can apply them anywhere and throughout the various seasons. These are very basic comments but very pertitent though.
    1.) The most inportant is spending the time on the water. You can obtain a lot of info from all the various media, etc out there but none of it will really come into play unless you dedicate the time and effort specially for night. There are so many variables at play with night fishing-too much to talk about in one post really. A case in point: many die-hard dry fly guys ( not bashing them b/c I dry fly too ), will fish the early evening into just past dark and not see the hatch or spinner fall they were hoping for and complain that it never occurred that night; well it did it happened at 2 or 3 in the morning or just before dawn if a summer day and early night temps were too high. So when I have the opportunity to fish at night it for an extended period of time particularly if it's a slow night. Obviously much harder and unpleasant to do later/early in the seasons when temps are low ambient & water.
    2.) Since your out for the " trophies " at night it is a good bet to use bigger patterns like the Harvey fly or big streamers but don't get too hung up on them. Because they're so big what tends to happen is you'll get a couple big fish and nothing more. A lot of missed takes or bumps are probably smaller fish.
    3.) going along with # 1 & #2 if that happens find out what's going on and or switch to smaller patterns. You may catch more fish but not as big if a caddis of mayfly spinner fall is occurring very late into the night. Joe would be the first to tell ya that the " night game " is not about just throwing big patterns and hoping for the best.

  2. #22

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing


    Have you been out lately? Very good info especially about the dry fly guys! Torrey and I were in the middle of an epic Green Drake spinner fall at 1 am about 7 years ago. It was wild! We did incredibly well on dries that night, because we observed the spinners on the water. More often than not we are fishing big streamers and wet flies when fishing after hours.

  3. #23

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    No I have not been out much especially at night. I've been very depressed. I've been killed with work, kids, etc this year and had recent elobow surgery which has kept me out of commission for months. I lost the last post. I was going to tell Mantis to also fish very slowly and very close too and work a piece of water over and over and to do it over an extended period of time. Too many guys get frustrated at night b/c they think that they should be into fish all night long b/c it's dark, etc.. You know what i'm talking about. The forum has changed alot since I was last on.

  4. #24

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    Good point! It's not always fast paced action. Sometimes you have to work harder than you think. How long ago was the surgery? Doing much rehab?

  5. #25

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    lost the last post again-anyway I had surgery the 1 st of oct. I wont be able to work or fish until at least Jan. It sucks but I needed it done.
    I did end on a good note though. The last week of Sept I caught a 6 lb rainbow in the Salmon river in Cholchester CT. I also got up to the housy one day and caught an obscene amount on one of the BWO days. It was sick!! The housy looked fantastic at least when i was there.

  6. #26

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    The Housy has been off the charts this fall. My last guide trip was nuts. I had three guys out and they had triples on a few times. I have never seen it so good for numbers of fish. The only thing missing are the numbers of beautiful holdover browns from 17-21 inches. I hope that changes with the new stocking regime. Did you take any nice browns on top?

  7. #27

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    A couple but mostly bows. It looked like a lot of recent stocker whic is still o.k. I don't get ther much b/c it's a longer ride for me but that river looks great and holds so much potential. Could you imagine what it would be if it was a true tail water. I would say it would be the premier river of the East if it was. I would also say it could hold a state record class provided all the planets line up right and was managed right. The lake guys always get those. I think they should have a separate category for them.

  8. #28

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing

    I agree on the record deal. I know the Jerry Jan has caught them up to 31 inches out of the Housy. The biggest fish come from water that one would think is best suited for bluegills! Someone will get one over 10 pounds at some point. I just want to see a picture of it and if it was thrown back I want to know where it was caught

  9. #29

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing


  10. #30

    Re: Thoughts and Questions on Night Fishing



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