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Spring Creek in February???
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  1. #1

    Spring Creek in February???

    Hi Guys,
    Trying to plan a few days of fishing on Spring Creek in February, I'm a teacher and don't really have much planned for my Feb. vacation, so thought an exploratory mission to PA might be the way to go. Just wondering about what flies I should be tying and where my best fishing locations might be? I've never fished in PA.

  2. #2

    Re: Spring Creek in February???

    You should have some great fishing Feb. There should be Olives and midges hatching at that time. You will also have suckers spawning at the time, although it might be a little early. Anywhere from Benner Springs hatchery north, since the stream flows north. I also like to fish it right up from Bald Eagle Creek. The fish density is lower there but the pressure is much less.

    It's a fun stream. For flies I would have Walt's Worms, Many different Sow Bug patters, BWO nymphs and emergers as well as various types of midges.

  3. #3
    TPO Faithful
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Torrington, CT

    Re: Spring Creek in February???

    I've fished there in March but not February, and I would echo the fly selection Aaron said. The best flies for me were Sucker Spawn, Baetis type nymphs, and Midge Pupa. Sow Bugs are never a bad choice in Spring Creek, just look at the post from Aaron's last trip there:


    You will love PA Zach, it is truly a fisherman's paradise (and by coincidence there is a section on Spring Creek by that name, although it's not my favorite piece of water there). There are so many trout streams it's unbelievable, and lots of wild trout. Aaron told me Spring Creek has around 3,000 trout per mile. In the sections I've fished it the average width is 40-60 trout, so that's a lot of fish. Careful or you may find yourself looking for a teaching job in PA, the "Montana of the East", Lol.
    A Redneck's last words, "Hold my beer while I do this...."

  4. #4

    Re: Spring Creek in February???

    Hey Guys,
    Thanks for the replies. I will look in to some sow bug patterns and start tying!! I'm sure I'll be asking more and more questions as the time approaches.
    Happy New Year,

  5. #5

    Re: Spring Creek in February???

    February is by far my favorite month of the year to fish SC. Water flows are always good, barely anyone fishes then, and some decent hatches start finally showing up.

    These guys have you pointed in the right direction. Egg patterns, scuds, sowbugs, midge pupae, and small mayfly nymphs are my most productive patterns for the winter months. Your best chance at encountering a hatch will be from midges, which generally seem to be gray during that time. Looking back to some old records it seems as if the BWO's haven't showed up in any sort of numbers until the first week of March for the past couple years.

    I live 5 minutes away from it and fish it anywhere from 3-5 days a week during the winter months. I would be more than willing to help you out with up to date conditions when you get closer to your trip.

  6. #6

    Re: Spring Creek in February???

    i have been out to SC 3 times in the past week and have done pretty well, today there was a nice bwo hatch around 3 or 4 when it was pretty warm but no success on dries, not many rising yet. best success has been large crane fly larvae 10 or 12 and the best is an 18 bead head hares hear with olive wire ribbing instead of gold....i have caught most of my fish on the hares hear but have had succes with the crane fly larvae on top in a tandem rig. got one on a vladi worm today too

  7. #7

    Re: Spring Creek in February???

    sounds like good reports as of late. I spoke to Joe H. last night and he felt the water was just about right for this time of the year. I'm headed down there tomorrow with a friend to fish for a couple of days and visit Joe. I'll post my trip when I get back.

  8. #8

  9. #9

  10. #10
    World Record Trout
    Join Date
    Apr 2022


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