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Joe Humpheries Method
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    Brookville, Pennsylvania

    Joe Humpheries Method

    I am curious I have been using this method with the tuck cast and all for the last 15 years with awesome success. I see many of you are big on teh czech nymphing and i agree it works espically in faster water. Just wanted to see what you all thought i am sold on the Humpheries/Harvey method and see no reason to change.
    Fish On!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    We all agree it is best to possess a variety of skills, approaches and tactics. We all use the Humphrey's methods too, when the conditions warrant.

  3. #3

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    The Humpheries method with the Harvey Tuck Cast to pocket water does not utilize indicators to detect the strike,,,,, Joe pulls the fly downstream to maintain contact for feel of the strike. This is a specialized cast and works well in fast water with structure and pocket water.

    I attended a two day seminar with Joe and Ed Schenk years ago in PA. Joe would store his lead split shot in his cheek and squeeze on the shot to the leader with his teeth.


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Brookville, Pennsylvania

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    I know the method well!  I really am not a big fan of indicators and i have not used them in many years.  No need i use a stren hi vis line on my hand tied leaders.  I am not a big fan of the lead in the cheeks part.
    Fish On!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    Haha funny! That's how I would carry them around! The best free dispenser that one can find.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    portland OR

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    I often wounder if that is why I forget things .Ive been biting on lead since I started fishing . Then one day I heard it causers brain damage and I know I have some of that ;D
    fish on ,I caught a 100 pound sturgon on 20lb test!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    portland OR

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    The humphries methods are some of the best , flyfisher sounds like you have incorperated czech tech into your style with the yellow stren . I caught fish this spring using his methods .I have yet to use the czech nymph style due .to not having time because i had to move this summer . Im sure it works though Aaron raved about it this spring .Swiping the river ,I think he said .
    fish on ,I caught a 100 pound sturgon on 20lb test!

  8. #8

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    I use the same nymphing techniques that Joe has taught me with good success too. I haven't tried the European methods but they do have their merits too. I would say fish the way your comfortable and accustomed too b/c thats what you're confident with which is hugh mentally when it comes to the psychological aspect of the game.

    His level line system works good in deep water, fast or if it's windy out. Although not quite the same as the European it's purpose is to reduce as much drag as possible. He claims the Eurpoeans took his method and modified it. I'm not sure if that's an entirely true statement but to his defense he has been nymphing with a thin diameter line for decades--1st with mono in the late 40's and much later the thin line Cortland called deep nymph floater that Leon Chandler made at his request. I have an out of production video of him using flat mono out west that dates back to the mid/late 80's which was the same time period he fished for the USA team.

  9. #9
    TPO Faithful
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    Feb 2007
    Torrington, CT

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    No doubt Joe Humphries was ahead of his time, as was George Harvey. Even Aaron the naysayer was impressed when he watched Joe fish in his nymphing DVD.

    There are many similiarities between the way Joe fishes & Euro style nymphing. Both use a tight line to detect strikes w/no floating indicator, primarily short casts, and a pair of weighted nymphs on droppers. Where they diverge is that the Europeans use colored line (mono or fly line backing) for a "sighter"/strike detector in their leader, sometimes 3 weighted flies to get down (whereas Joe uses 2 and adds split shot when necessary), 10 foot or longer rods (last I knew Joe mostly used a 9 footer, although he mentions using longer rods on occasion), and a leader with a relatively long, level fluoro tippet (from the sighter down) to sink the flies & cut thru the water with a minimum of drag.

    I would say the Euro style is a more "tweaked" version of the way Joe fishes, with some subtle yet important improvements. The colored line in the leader is a huge help in detecting strikes. Great Lakes Steelheaders have been using thin running lines for a long time. I got into Steelheading 23 years ago, and friends of mine had already been using that technique for a while. Very effective in fast/deep water where any other traditional FF techniques would fail. Not "fly fishing" by some people's definition, but who cares? The long tippet section really helps get your flies down, and the 10 foot or longer rods are a big help in getting a drag free float, lengthening the drift, setting the hook, cushioning the tippet & playing the fish.
    A Redneck's last words, "Hold my beer while I do this...."

  10. #10

    Re: Joe Humpheries Method

    I would say choosing between humphreys style and "euro" nymphing is personal preference. I have fished with Joe and he smashes fish his way and i have also fished against europeans and they farm them out as well. Who's technique is better? Hard to answer that question. Combining things you like some both is what i would call ideal.


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