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Farmington 11/02/08
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  1. #1

    Farmington 11/02/08

    Fishing was good today, and at times, great! I am pleased to show you a "two-footer" I landed today, what a thrill! I did not want to damage this magnificent beast, so I asked Mike to snap a quick picture. This is the fish-of-the-year for me. You may deduct an inch or two if you like, but Mike can vouch for the epic proportions of this trout.

    I was lucky to land a bunch like this:

    and I noticed a green elastomer mark here:

  2. #2

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    Tis the season!

    Congrats on the mega-Brown!
    If the line ain't tight, ya ain't doin it right

  3. #3

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    What a great looking fish.I was on the river today as well .I spent the first hour and a half euro-nymphing with no success.I switched to an indicator rig and slightlly slower and deeper water,and the yellow egg droper was my ticket for a couple of browns.Neither of which came close to that bruiser.Truely a fish you'll remember ,congrats.

  4. #4

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    Holy brown trout... that is a huge one and we must get it again ;D

  5. #5

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    really nice fish... just curious, what is that green mark from? I haven't never seen that before...

  6. #6

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    The green mark is an elastomer the CT state biologists inject just under the skin to serve as a marker. They use different colors to mark stocking years. I believe some of the elastomers are also visible under UV light, so that field identification of a trout is made easier. In CT, Farmington "survivor strain" fish are marked this way.

  7. #7
    TPO Faithful
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Torrington, CT

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    Damn, what's with all your big trout lately, you putting pheremones on your flies or something? Looks like a darn nice fish, too bad we don't have a full picture of it.

    Alain, the lucky bastard, also had a measured 22" fish a week or two ago there. Actually, it's not luck, I'm just jealous.
    A Redneck's last words, "Hold my beer while I do this...."

  8. #8

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08


    Good job. The pics are always very clear too. I like it . I'll have to take your advice and look into getting the cameras you suggested. Aaron and I just spoke on the phone--the Farmington has been in very rough shape this year but it's obvious that it's not dead as evidenced by those pics. Hope it stays good for ya.

  9. #9

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    Al, great job on landing that monster brown. It was huge!!! Look at how wide it is compared to your forearm in that picture.

    Alain kicked my butt today guy's. He was nice enough to put on a czech nymphing clinic just for me free of charge. LOL. He was dialed in for about two hours. I caught one rainbow. It was actually great to see how well that style of nymphing works when you have the right fly and the fish are dialed in to it.

    Aaron, that one is worth taking a "sick day" just to have a shot at it.

    Torrey, we were setup to get a full length pic of it and just as Alain picked the fish up out of the water it flipped right out of his grasp and was gone.

  10. #10

    Re: Farmington 11/02/08

    Alain, What kind of depth water did you catch in ,and if you were using a czech rig,could you share your setup?


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