Splashy rises I guess. I was at that spot last night between 1930 and 2100. There must have been a hundred fish a minute throwing themselves out of the water no joke. Lots of small fish. There were...
Type: Posts; User: Halliday
Splashy rises I guess. I was at that spot last night between 1930 and 2100. There must have been a hundred fish a minute throwing themselves out of the water no joke. Lots of small fish. There were...
Was that one of my caddis pupa?
You'll need the 40# butt sections that I fish just to turn that thing over.
My guess it is would be a bitch to cast. I can cast quite a ways away with a straight sighter and still get a good drift for the standard rig that I fish. Think about the weight of just the sighter,...
Dave, how well does the key chain float? You said it was buoyant but is it enough to get the job done? Crazier things have worked, like the tampon mouse for example.
I agree. Ill fish a coiled sighter in slow, clear water like the Swift River in MA. Although dry dropper is a better alternative in some situations.
What rivers are you fishing? If you are in Boston there are lots of good places that will accommodate that set up.
Im working in Parsons, KS looking for some bass every night after work. Id kill to be up in the Catskills right now.
You rugged old bastard! Wet wading barefoot!! Thats a respectable brookie by the way. I want to see a repeat performance next time we fish. ;)
There is a lot of good work in that box. Enjoy. Tying flies that catch fish is rewarding work.
Is that for sale or is that for you? Nice work.
Can I hang some keys off of it for extra weight? :p
I think going small is the ticket for a coil sighter. After all you are dealing with small flies in softer water and that huge thing would defeat the purpose.
Sold for $100.00
Reel is sold. Thanks for the views.
Ive been fishing the Helios 2 10' 3wt since November and all I can say is it may not be for everybody but it is one hell of a rod with a huge ass end for a three weight. I have been indicator...
Battenkill Mid Arbor IV.
I have a Battenkill Mid Arbor (loaded with Airflo 6wt) and a spare spool (loaded with Orvis 6wt sink line) for sale. Reel and extra spool each has own bag, and fits into original case. Case has...
XXX rated home made stuff. Keep 'em coming
Keeping a fish out of water is the same as somebody keeping your head underwater. Also, barbed treble hooks need to be outlawed from trout streams. There are some TCAs where I fish and signs say this...
It think larger hooks will obviously do more damage to a fish. Fishing (even catch and release) does plenty of damage to the fish. There are plenty of studies on fish mortality in catch and release...
Nice workout for a three wt rod.
Thanks Bud. Im actually working in Alvord, not Dallas. Its nicer in Alvord.
More of the same from the other day. I cought a handful of nice fish under a very low bridge on tuesday. Great place to break a rod.
Hardline should be Hareline.