View Full Version : Fly Tying Discussion

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  1. Hendrickson Nymph
  2. Plunge Hellgrammite
  3. Cool Site
  4. Nymph hooks
  5. Favorite Golden Stonefly Nymph patterns
  6. magic heads
  7. Galloup DVD's
  8. alderfly/dobsonfly nymph
  9. Baitfish patterns
  10. Daphnia pattern... Aaron didn't believe
  11. from rckergo
  12. sucker spawn pattern
  13. Seeking pattern for Sulphur not-dun, not spinner
  14. Zonker problems
  15. Clouser's Crayfish
  16. Hairwing Streamers - Hair slips out
  17. Sunday is Tying Day!
  18. Vise review...
  19. Tungsten Beads
  20. Suggestion
  21. Looking for some brookie patterns?
  22. Question... Beads...
  23. What do you think of this little honey???
  24. Just getting back into tying
  25. Dubbing recipes
  26. Fly tying book
  27. Rite bobbins
  28. Peak True Rotary
  29. Mysis shrimp for steelies
  30. Caddis pupa patterns
  31. Fly of the month
  32. Emergent Sparkle Pupa
  33. Woolly bugger
  34. Fly tying books
  35. Tying simple easy to tie patterns vs. time consuming patterns
  37. Ice Dubbing
  38. Simple Flies- Deadly!!!
  39. Great website for fly pattern tutorials
  40. polaris flies
  41. Fine Toothed Metal Comb
  42. Effective patterns for Darters
  43. Website with nice fly patterns
  44. Bead thoraxes
  45. Caddis Larva; Looking for new pattern/ideas
  46. Ribbing flies
  47. Tiemco Hook Reference
  48. Please Help My Tying Technique
  49. Round Bead Cross-Reference to Hook Size
  50. Winter Tying Tip: Hand Care
  51. StoneFly Nymphs...How Small Do You Tie Them?
  52. Whiting's Bird Fur & Bugger Packs
  53. SHWAPF fly pattern, by Al Campbell
  54. Midge Larva, micro-tubing
  55. HRO TYING CLASS 1/12/08
  56. Dave Whitliock's sheep minnow series
  57. Some warmwater patterns that might prove effective for trout?
  58. Another pattern database...
  59. NOR-VICE
  60. Dubbing Technique Question
  61. Alternatives to Hackle on Dry Flies???
  62. Tiemco Super Point Barbless Hooks
  63. Jersey Cream
  64. Thread Reference Table
  65. Substituting Materials
  66. Whiting Bird Fur and Bugger Packs
  67. ICED Cased Caddis
  68. Trout Crack
  69. NYMPHO
  70. Fly Swap
  71. The Muncher Nymph
  72. Comparadun Help
  73. Great Crayfish article w/ patterns
  74. Feb. 2008 FOTM with Pictures "Charlie's Nymph"
  75. Nymph stages
  76. 101 Fly Tying Tips
  77. sulpher
  78. Nutman, this one's for you
  79. Ok... here it is..
  80. whip finish
  81. Unlimited Fly Swap
  82. RS2
  83. Cased Caddis Crisis!
  84. Hellgramite Pattern
  85. Looking for a good hendrickson nymph pattern
  86. Another Fly Swap?
  87. Davy Wotton SLF
  88. Fly-Swap Pictures
  89. CDC Caddis
  90. Quick Descent Ice Dubbing
  91. Body Ribbing Material Selection
  92. New member Fox Statler's HPU flies
  93. Scuds
  94. Muncher nymph success?
  95. March Brown Nymph
  96. Elk Hair Caddis??
  97. A Czech nymph
  98. epoxy moxy
  99. My Turn... A new swap!!
  100. Permanent marker
  101. Which vise do you use?
  102. The Next Fly Swap
  103. Bobbins
  104. Stonefly nymphs for euro nymphing
  105. Prism Dubbing
  106. Tandem nymphs
  107. Fly Tying Desk / Neck and Back Pain
  108. May 2008 FOTM - March Brown Nymph
  109. Haven't heard from Fox in a while...
  110. New "Straggle" material
  111. New TMC SP-BL Hooks
  112. Legs
  113. Mallard Flanks
  114. Siman Magic Shrimp Foil vs Hareline Scud Back
  115. Suggestions on new vise
  116. fly tyiing symposium
  117. Magic Foil
  118. Snowshoe Rabbit Isonychia Emerger
  119. Scud Backing.
  120. Biots for Tying
  121. Czech Grub Hook Comparison / Review
  122. Go-To flys
  123. "Straggle" Flies
  124. Vladi worm?- Not quite!
  125. New Fly Recipes Website
  126. comparadun under size 20
  127. Orange Vladi Worm
  128. Fly on the Month ...May 2008 Compara Spinner
  129. Fly of the Month .... June 2008 Rubber Legged Stonefly Nymph
  130. Knapek Hooks back in stock
  131. my fly tying station -" a complete mess"
  132. Good Site for Buying Pink Condoms for Vladi Worm
  133. Weaving flies
  134. Davy's Prizm Midge & White Tail Midge....
  135. Touch Dubbing
  136. Rubber Legs Tying Tips
  137. Czech Nymph Style Tying Tips
  139. Pattern Recommendations
  140. Where it all begins
  141. Will this work
  142. trimming soft hackle
  143. Zebra Midge Variation
  144. stonefly pattern
  145. Vladi Worm
  146. Torrey's Improved Hares Ear
  147. Biot Nymph
  148. Tying Uses for Nylon Pantyhose
  149. New Swap....
  150. Czech Nymph Patterns
  151. Knotted legs for Muddler Daddy
  152. Busy at the Vise
  153. Vises
  154. Nymph Skin?
  155. Deer hair video
  156. Vladi Worm Refinements
  157. New Tying Materials
  158. Speaking of new tying materials....
  159. beads
  160. Quick Ties!
  161. HRO fly tying session
  162. Winter Killers
  163. How to spend less on Fly Tying
  164. Keeping bugs out
  165. A Perfect Prince?
  166. Fly tying funnies
  167. how to tie midges
  168. Best Hooks for Tying Small Flies
  169. Davy's Dynamite Worm
  170. Early Black Stonefly
  171. Sources for fly tying materials
  172. Easy Dry Fly Ties
  173. HRO flies from 1/10/09
  174. Vladi's Woven Polish Nymph
  175. Jig Head hooks
  176. any dying experts?
  177. Flat Lead Wire
  178. Woven Polish Nymphs, 1st attempt
  179. guinea hen/ partridge question.
  180. Caddis Nymph Recipe
  181. Get The Lead Out
  182. check out moldy chum .com Oregon slab chrome
  183. Steelhead Fly
  184. Green Goblin-Soft-hackle
  185. Info On Soft Hackle Pattern(Pic)
  186. Czech - Nymphs
  187. Hey Juicy!
  188. Hook for Vlade worm
  189. HRO Flies - Pink Fox Squirrel by Nymphmeister
  190. HRO Flies - Brown Serendipity by Nymphmeister
  191. HRO Flies - Spent Rusty Spinner
  192. HRO Flies - Beadhead Lightning bug
  193. Random ties
  194. DW Fly Tying Station
  195. Attaching Glass Bead
  196. Wine Corks for Bass poppers.
  197. Flattened Nymphs
  198. tying videos
  199. Davy Wotton SLF squirrel dubbing
  200. "essential" materials
  201. vladi worm materials
  202. Flies from 2/21 HRO Weighted Nymph Tying Class
  203. searching for "poly x yarn"
  204. Debarbing pliers - best pair I have used
  205. posting for night angler !!!! fly swap
  206. Thread 101- everything you always wanted to know
  207. 3/7/09 HRO Weighted Flies #2 tying class
  208. Tony's Darter
  209. Hends Products
  210. Tips for Improving Fly Tying Organization
  211. Pike Flies
  212. Spun Deer Hair Tips
  213. Starting out
  214. Woven Flies
  215. Hare and Copper Variations; you should be fishing this fly
  216. Woven Flies - burnishing
  217. Sowbug/Cressbug patterns
  218. McPhail Bug
  219. Stillwater flies
  220. Favorite Dubbing for Nymph Collars
  221. throat hackle
  222. * Production Tying Tips
  223. I need flies
  224. Realistic Mayfly Wing Material
  225. Woolly bomb
  226. Recent Ties
  227. These look good - any ideas?
  228. where did flies of the month go
  229. Tied my first flies last night
  230. Looking for simple fly patterns
  231. Stonefly nymph
  232. Hares Ear Blend
  233. online tying materials
  234. Simple French Pattern
  235. Caddis pupae
  236. Old School Mustad Hook
  237. Fly Tying Challenge
  238. Best Prices for Beads
  239. Sinko de Mayo
  240. More Flies and my bench
  241. caddis
  242. Walt's Worm
  243. playin around
  244. Playing with hot melt glue
  245. Claret Flymph
  246. Cool new trick!!!
  247. Tying A Griffith Gnat....
  248. Tube Flies
  249. Midge Magic Book.........
  250. A few flies from Uk/Ireland