- Hendrickson Nymph
- Plunge Hellgrammite
- Cool Site
- Nymph hooks
- Favorite Golden Stonefly Nymph patterns
- magic heads
- Galloup DVD's
- alderfly/dobsonfly nymph
- Baitfish patterns
- Daphnia pattern... Aaron didn't believe
- from rckergo
- sucker spawn pattern
- Seeking pattern for Sulphur not-dun, not spinner
- Zonker problems
- Clouser's Crayfish
- Hairwing Streamers - Hair slips out
- Sunday is Tying Day!
- Vise review...
- Tungsten Beads
- Suggestion
- Looking for some brookie patterns?
- Question... Beads...
- What do you think of this little honey???
- Just getting back into tying
- Dubbing recipes
- Fly tying book
- Rite bobbins
- Peak True Rotary
- Mysis shrimp for steelies
- Caddis pupa patterns
- Fly of the month
- Emergent Sparkle Pupa
- Woolly bugger
- Fly tying books
- Tying simple easy to tie patterns vs. time consuming patterns
- Ice Dubbing
- Simple Flies- Deadly!!!
- Great website for fly pattern tutorials
- polaris flies
- Fine Toothed Metal Comb
- Effective patterns for Darters
- Website with nice fly patterns
- Bead thoraxes
- Caddis Larva; Looking for new pattern/ideas
- Ribbing flies
- Tiemco Hook Reference
- Please Help My Tying Technique
- Round Bead Cross-Reference to Hook Size
- Winter Tying Tip: Hand Care
- StoneFly Nymphs...How Small Do You Tie Them?
- Whiting's Bird Fur & Bugger Packs
- SHWAPF fly pattern, by Al Campbell
- Midge Larva, micro-tubing
- Dave Whitliock's sheep minnow series
- Some warmwater patterns that might prove effective for trout?
- Another pattern database...
- Dubbing Technique Question
- Alternatives to Hackle on Dry Flies???
- Tiemco Super Point Barbless Hooks
- Jersey Cream
- Thread Reference Table
- Substituting Materials
- Whiting Bird Fur and Bugger Packs
- ICED Cased Caddis
- Trout Crack
- Fly Swap
- The Muncher Nymph
- Comparadun Help
- Great Crayfish article w/ patterns
- Feb. 2008 FOTM with Pictures "Charlie's Nymph"
- Nymph stages
- 101 Fly Tying Tips
- sulpher
- Nutman, this one's for you
- Ok... here it is..
- whip finish
- Unlimited Fly Swap
- RS2
- Cased Caddis Crisis!
- Hellgramite Pattern
- Looking for a good hendrickson nymph pattern
- Another Fly Swap?
- Davy Wotton SLF
- Fly-Swap Pictures
- CDC Caddis
- Quick Descent Ice Dubbing
- Body Ribbing Material Selection
- New member Fox Statler's HPU flies
- Scuds
- Muncher nymph success?
- March Brown Nymph
- Elk Hair Caddis??
- A Czech nymph
- epoxy moxy
- My Turn... A new swap!!
- Permanent marker
- Which vise do you use?
- The Next Fly Swap
- Bobbins
- Stonefly nymphs for euro nymphing
- Prism Dubbing
- Tandem nymphs
- Fly Tying Desk / Neck and Back Pain
- May 2008 FOTM - March Brown Nymph
- Haven't heard from Fox in a while...
- New "Straggle" material
- New TMC SP-BL Hooks
- Legs
- Mallard Flanks
- Siman Magic Shrimp Foil vs Hareline Scud Back
- Suggestions on new vise
- fly tyiing symposium
- Magic Foil
- Snowshoe Rabbit Isonychia Emerger
- Scud Backing.
- Biots for Tying
- Czech Grub Hook Comparison / Review
- Go-To flys
- "Straggle" Flies
- Vladi worm?- Not quite!
- New Fly Recipes Website
- comparadun under size 20
- Orange Vladi Worm
- Fly on the Month ...May 2008 Compara Spinner
- Fly of the Month .... June 2008 Rubber Legged Stonefly Nymph
- Knapek Hooks back in stock
- my fly tying station -" a complete mess"
- Good Site for Buying Pink Condoms for Vladi Worm
- Weaving flies
- Davy's Prizm Midge & White Tail Midge....
- Touch Dubbing
- Rubber Legs Tying Tips
- Czech Nymph Style Tying Tips
- Pattern Recommendations
- Where it all begins
- Will this work
- trimming soft hackle
- Zebra Midge Variation
- stonefly pattern
- Vladi Worm
- Torrey's Improved Hares Ear
- Biot Nymph
- Tying Uses for Nylon Pantyhose
- New Swap....
- Czech Nymph Patterns
- Knotted legs for Muddler Daddy
- Busy at the Vise
- Vises
- Nymph Skin?
- Deer hair video
- Vladi Worm Refinements
- New Tying Materials
- Speaking of new tying materials....
- beads
- Quick Ties!
- HRO fly tying session
- Winter Killers
- How to spend less on Fly Tying
- Keeping bugs out
- A Perfect Prince?
- Fly tying funnies
- how to tie midges
- Best Hooks for Tying Small Flies
- Davy's Dynamite Worm
- Early Black Stonefly
- Sources for fly tying materials
- Easy Dry Fly Ties
- HRO flies from 1/10/09
- Vladi's Woven Polish Nymph
- Jig Head hooks
- any dying experts?
- Flat Lead Wire
- Woven Polish Nymphs, 1st attempt
- guinea hen/ partridge question.
- Caddis Nymph Recipe
- Get The Lead Out
- check out moldy chum .com Oregon slab chrome
- Steelhead Fly
- Green Goblin-Soft-hackle
- Info On Soft Hackle Pattern(Pic)
- Czech - Nymphs
- Hey Juicy!
- Hook for Vlade worm
- HRO Flies - Pink Fox Squirrel by Nymphmeister
- HRO Flies - Brown Serendipity by Nymphmeister
- HRO Flies - Spent Rusty Spinner
- HRO Flies - Beadhead Lightning bug
- Random ties
- DW Fly Tying Station
- Attaching Glass Bead
- Wine Corks for Bass poppers.
- Flattened Nymphs
- tying videos
- Davy Wotton SLF squirrel dubbing
- "essential" materials
- vladi worm materials
- Flies from 2/21 HRO Weighted Nymph Tying Class
- searching for "poly x yarn"
- Debarbing pliers - best pair I have used
- posting for night angler !!!! fly swap
- Thread 101- everything you always wanted to know
- 3/7/09 HRO Weighted Flies #2 tying class
- Tony's Darter
- Hends Products
- Tips for Improving Fly Tying Organization
- Pike Flies
- Spun Deer Hair Tips
- Starting out
- Woven Flies
- Hare and Copper Variations; you should be fishing this fly
- Woven Flies - burnishing
- Sowbug/Cressbug patterns
- McPhail Bug
- Stillwater flies
- Favorite Dubbing for Nymph Collars
- throat hackle
- * Production Tying Tips
- I need flies
- Realistic Mayfly Wing Material
- Woolly bomb
- Recent Ties
- These look good - any ideas?
- where did flies of the month go
- Tied my first flies last night
- Looking for simple fly patterns
- Stonefly nymph
- Hares Ear Blend
- online tying materials
- Simple French Pattern
- Caddis pupae
- Old School Mustad Hook
- Fly Tying Challenge
- Best Prices for Beads
- Sinko de Mayo
- More Flies and my bench
- caddis
- Walt's Worm
- playin around
- Playing with hot melt glue
- Claret Flymph
- Cool new trick!!!
- Tying A Griffith Gnat....
- Tube Flies
- Midge Magic Book.........
- A few flies from Uk/Ireland