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  1. Little J 3/8/2007
  2. Little Lehigh 3/10/2007
  3. Valley Creek
  4. st patricks day trout whooping
  5. Ridley Creek 3/18
  6. Falling Spring
  7. Bushkill Creek, Monroe County
  8. Little Lehigh 3/24
  9. Lehigh Valley spots
  10. Little Schuylkill... 4/1???
  11. Quittapahilla Creek and Codorus Creek
  12. Little Schuykill 4/1/07
  13. Little Lehigh 4/1.07
  14. Tulpehocken
  15. Little Lehigh access?
  16. Little Lehigh 4/19/2007
  17. Spring Creek
  18. Spring Creek 4/28/2007
  19. Little Juniata 4/29/2007
  21. Little J night Shift
  22. Clarion River Report 5-13-2007
  23. Little J and a famous limestone spring creek
  24. Wanted: tips for the Brodhead
  25. First post and a little bit late but a report on Penn's creek
  26. The brodhead
  27. some trout pic's
  28. Shohola Creek
  29. Kettle Creek
  30. Little Lehigh 8/9/07
  31. Little J update - Railroad joins Little Juniata River access fight
  32. The "Tully" 8/19/2007
  33. little lehigh 9/8 9/9
  34. Nice brown Pic's
  35. Little Lehigh 10/8
  36. Poconos
  37. The river formerly known as the West Branch of the Delaware...
  38. Central PA 12/1/08 Fishing Pix?
  39. Central PA, 12/1: Little J, Spring Creek: Winter Wonderland
  40. Lehigh water and fishing report needed by white haven
  41. little lehigh the past few days
  42. Tandem rigs legal on Lil Lehigh?
  43. 1/12 little lehigh
  44. Little Lehigh and Monocacy Creek
  45. Little Lehigh 1/21/2008
  46. little lehigh heritage section
  47. little lehigh 2/9 2/10
  48. Spring Creek 2-15
  49. French Creek - Chester Co.
  50. Spring Creek 16-17 Feb. - Wild Brown Tsunami (Part 1)
  51. Segloch Run
  52. Valley Creek 2/24/2008
  53. Six Penny Creek
  54. Spring Creek
  55. LL Heritage stretch
  56. BWO's
  57. cicadas
  58. East Brandywine Breeder Blowout
  59. Valley Creek 3/21/08
  60. Spring Creek and Big Fishing Creek 3/21/2008
  61. Saucon Creek 3/22/2008
  62. Donegal Creek 3/24/08
  63. Little Lehigh
  64. Big Buskill 4/10/2008
  65. Tulpehocken 4/13/08
  66. Tully 4/26-27
  67. Wyomissing Creek 4/30/08
  68. looking someone to fish with in the lehigh valley
  69. why couldnt of i of taken my flyrod today?
  70. Bowman's Creek 5/10/08
  71. West Branch fishing this weekend
  72. Lehigh River
  73. Rattling Run 5/24/08
  74. Hickory Run 6/1/2008
  75. E. Branch Brandywine 5/30 Tully 6/1
  76. TULLY 6/3/08
  77. Stony Ck 6/14 and Northkill Ck 6/14
  78. Six Penny Creek 6/8/08
  79. Tulpehocken week of 6/9/08
  80. Streams with "no more fish"
  81. Schuylkill River not Little SR
  82. Cicadas
  83. Fishless local stream part II.
  84. Lititz Run 6/29/2008
  85. hello everyone 1st post
  87. Spring Creek 11/4/2008
  88. Erie steelhead
  89. bushkill creek fish kill being probe,hercules may face fines
  90. how to post some pictures of the cabin
  91. The Gorge Section of the Little J
  92. White Knuckle Driving... and Some Fly Fishing
  93. Where the Water is Twice as Warm as the Air!
  94. Spring Creek in February???
  95. Anyone hitting any of the S/E pa creeks tomorrow?
  96. White river new regs.
  97. Last Trout of 2008
  98. Trout in not so pretty places. Sandy Lick Delayed Harvest Area
  99. Saucon Creek
  100. Fished White Clay creek
  101. Clarion River Stocking update
  102. PA spring creek fishing near Jersey
  103. Handwarmers and Some Red Bull
  104. columbia county
  105. Saucon and Little Lehigh
  106. Spring Creek Conditions
  107. Ques. re: Valley and Saucon Creeks
  108. Tully on Valentines Day
  109. little j
  110. Penns creek water clarity?
  111. Presidents Day on the Tulpehocken Creek.
  112. Wading PA rivers?
  113. Penn's Creek - a "Grey" weekend with great fishing
  114. Penns Creek Access
  115. North Fork CR area 2-28-09
  116. Liitle Lehigh
  117. Tulpehocken 2/28/2009 Growth of Success
  118. Penns Creek 3-1-2009
  119. Penns Creek 3-7-2009
  120. Penns Trip
  121. Little Lehigh + wild trout stream bonus
  122. Clarks/Breeches
  123. Saucon Creek
  124. Quittapahilla Creek 3/21 & Quarry Lake
  125. College Renunion Tour
  126. Little J
  127. Little Bushkill Post Disaster
  128. Hay Creek, Berks Co.
  129. Monocacy Madness
  130. Little Lehigh
  131. Natives and stockies...
  132. Tulpy
  133. Somewhere in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed :)
  134. Monacacy Creek 4/18
  135. Cacoosing Creek and the best of Chubs.
  136. April Quitty, Tully, Hay ...
  137. Bushkill Creek, Easton PA
  138. Clarion River- 4-26-09 "Some Where Over the Rainbow"
  139. Out Sholgate's Way
  140. Keep dreaming Beadhead
  141. Sulphurs!
  142. French Creek FFO 5/9/09
  143. Preparing for Penns.
  144. First Vladi Worm victim
  145. Penns Creek, 5/15 & 5/16
  146. Clarks Creek FFO, 5/17/09
  147. 3 creeks 4 days
  148. PA Fish and Boat phone numbers
  149. Harrisburg/Lancaster Area in Early June
  150. Bushkill Creek C&R 5/30
  151. Little Lehigh
  152. 6-11
  153. Promisedland State Park
  154. Marcellus Drilling in Fly Fisherman Magazine
  155. Any one fishing in the S/E tomorrow?
  156. French Creek, Chester Co. 6/22/09, FFO Section.
  157. NE PA Stream
  158. Saucon/Monocacy
  159. Big Lehigh
  160. Valley Creek Pennsylvania
  161. Little Juniata & Spring Creek???
  162. Little Schuylkill River 7/14/09
  163. Bowmans Creek & Mehoopany Creek 7/17 & 7/18/09
  164. Bushkill Creek 7-19
  165. Where to go this time of year?
  166. (Big) Pine Creek and Tribs-PA Canyon
  167. How to Use Google Maps to Find PA Trout Streams
  168. Hay Creek, Berks Co., PA
  169. Flash Flood warning tommorrow
  170. Cold Run & Wyomissing Creek
  171. White Deer Creek and Fishing Creek...
  172. Hickory Run State Park 8/7-8
  173. I Could Not Pull Myself Away!
  174. Eastern PA Wild Brown and Fat Bows
  175. Tulpehocken Creek 8/19/09
  176. A Little More Eastern PA
  177. The Test... Or the Letort as I Should Say...
  178. All Over Pennsylvania...
  179. valley creek
  180. Big Spring Creek
  181. Falling Spring Creek PA report 9-10
  182. Central PA
  183. Fishing Downtown Easton 9-14
  184. Any reports for the White Haven area?
  185. Bushkill Cutthroat
  186. Pennsylvania Limestone Streams
  187. Bushkill Creek 9-27
  188. Tulpehocken Creek, Open Water 10/3/09
  189. anyone fishing philly area
  190. Bushkill today
  191. Little Lehigh, 10/10/09
  192. heading to potter county next week any reports?
  193. Penns Creek 08-Oct-09 to 11-Oct-09
  194. Falling Springs, 10/24/09
  195. Wyomissing 11/2/09
  196. Little Lehigh, ATW 11/7/09
  197. Ressica Falls
  198. Little J
  199. Spring Creek
  200. Lesson learned on the Bushkill
  201. 2009 Bushkill Creek Redd Survey
  202. A Couple Squaretails
  203. Fishing Creek, Centre Co.
  204. Fishing Creek, Cente Co. 12/11/09
  205. Limestone Paradise...
  206. Any Pocono SE reports?
  207. Spring Creek, Centre County, 12/19/09
  208. Hay Creek, Near Birdsboro, PA 12/23/09
  209. Spring Creek
  210. Thank Goodness for Limestone Streams...
  211. Spring Creek Part 2
  212. Right Over the Border...
  213. I Did a Little Exploring....
  214. Allegheny Watershed
  215. first timer...
  216. Urban Nymphing!
  217. The Creek in the Park...
  218. Euro Nymphing Part 2....
  219. Euro Nymphing... "The Wall" aka Little Lehigh (Not the C and R Sections)
  220. PA stocking schedule released
  221. Tulpehocken; 2/5/10
  222. Euro Nymphing Meets Lehigh River Steelhead...
  223. Euro Nymphing Blowout... Severe Weather Style
  224. What a Difference a Day Makes!
  225. Locked Up and Locked In!
  226. Lehigh River - Army Corps Meeting
  227. I Did Some Exploring with my new Euro Nymphing Rod
  228. Got Out This Afternoon...
  229. Valentine's Day 2010
  230. Another Tough Day
  231. Fishing with Toad Hunter
  232. Learned a few things on the LJ
  233. More Euro Nymphing Fun... Except for the Drive!
  234. Looking forward to exploring the Lil J
  235. Fly Fishing the Sound on the Outer Banks?
  236. PA last day of "Regular Season"
  237. Quick Little Lehigh Jaunt.
  238. Spring Creek 8 March 2010
  239. Quick Little Schuylkill Jaunt.
  240. Out and about... again (Euro Nymphing with my new toys)
  241. Fishing with Juice.... Vertical Euro Nymphing :)
  242. Getting Down and Dirty!!!
  243. Central Pa and a Big Wild Brown
  244. Monocacy Creek 3/27/10
  245. Haven't Posted in a While...Couple Reports
  246. Quittapahilla Creek 3/31/10
  247. SEPA 1st Day @ French Crk FFO
  248. Fished a few streams with Hopper and Buckbee...
  249. White Deer Creek, Lycoming Creek, Susque.
  250. SEPA Limestoner...