- Lets give Aaron and Justin some applause...
- Top five eastern trout streams
- Worst Internet Fly-Fishing Sites
- Fishing photos Help Required
- Females and pics?
- extremeflyfishing.com
- Bggest problems
- Favorite Flies
- Do fish feel pain?
- Catch Kill and Release
- Northwest Classic Tackle
- Trout Predator Conclave Part I
- just want to say.... whats up?
- To use cleats or not to use cleats?
- New pics in trout foods
- fly fishing the still waters
- MOKAI - anyone ever use these?
- New Gallery Pictures
- Article in new issue of Fly Rod and Reel re. Little J and Spring Ridge Club
- Article on Ethanol Fly Rod and Reel
- Hey Trout Intimidator
- We can't catch a break
- Video
- TPO meeting part two
- Personalized hand tied fly selections....
- Watch this now!!!!
- This Weekend April 27-28
- 99 members
- A river in need of help!
- TPO Housatonic River Clean Up
- HATS!!!
- Discourtious Guide - Housy on 5-26-07
- Airial mending?
- New to sight, checking in....
- June's Fly of the Month!
- Anyone have info on streams near cherokee nc?
- Hello All
- How long before too hot for C&R on Housatonic?
- Law Enforcement
- Pick one hatch anywhere......
- New to TPO
- Nymph Clinic July 28th 9am at HRO
- Here it is!!
- Fly of the Month
- TPO Products!
- Loon, BIO-GLO Indicator
- Newbie on TPO
- Rock snot in Batten Kill River VT!
- Funny $#!+
- I have problems logging
- Furled leaders
- Wet Fly Instructional Session
- TPO Tip of the Month
- Cranford Trout Fishing Club meeting
- Big browns at night
- A losing battle...
- Didymo found in East and West branches of Delaware River !
- Fly of the Month
- nymph class september 30th
- Sizing up a larger stream.
- September Fly of the Month... Only a month late...
- Where is every one fishing
- I wasn't sure what heading this fit under...
- Cranford Trout Fishing Club outing
- Cranford Trout Fishing Club meeting Thursday
- DRO one-fly
- Best Eastern State for fly fishing
- The Trout Beautiful Project, Inquiry
- Aaron's CrTFC appearance EXCELLENT!!!!
- Where is the predator?
- Getting Rid of Didymo
- Here is the Next Night Angler.....
- Holiday Gift Ideas Under $100
- Farmington
- Cranford trout club meeting thursday
- Did Anyone Notice?
- When do you "pack it in" for the winter?
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Pictures
- Connecticut Fly Fishermen Association Dec. meeting
- CFFA - Expo and Banquet
- Little Red River Shootout Preview
- CFFA Fly tying classes
- This type of stuff makes me embarrassed to say I fly fish.
- Only one fly for December
- Line visibility & diameter
- How Would You Fly Fish This Situation?
- HRO Christmas Party 12/8/07
- Dirt Dart
- what is your faviorte fly shop
- Snowed and Iced in for the day!
- night fishing
- I took this video of Justin fishing during salmon season!!!
- Stack mending
- November and December Fly of the Month Up!
- great gift for any fisherman!
- Davyfly's Knot
- So what did you get?
- CFFA Jan. meeting
- Free Fly Tying Clinics at HRO
- Book Recommendation
- Davy Knot- personal report & link
- A big THANKS to the HRO
- 10 Top Secrets to Catch Fish (Al Campbell)
- Rick Hafele's Nymphing Book
- Fly-fishing Shows - please report new, innovative or interesting sights
- Nymph Clinic
- oak orchard??????????
- Casting For Recovery
- Taxidermy: an alternative for fish mounting
- Fly Fishing Classes
- Id just like to thank a couple of guys here
- Need Help Locating a Product Can Anyone Help Me?
- Centerpin fishing
- Just signed up, highly recommended
- Lunker Structures (artificial cut banks)
- lorryuncori here!
- Hi Every One
- Various Wet Flies I Tyed Over The Weekend
- New to the site
- Fish Porn- big fish!
- TPO "Tip of the Month"
- CFFA March Meeting
- ** TPO is BlackBerry Friendly **
- Site w/ Great Fish Pix
- 101 Wading Tips
- Nymph Clinic with Aaron May 3rd
- TPO Forum Member Survey
- Interesting Article of Caddis
- DEP public hearing tuesday in Derby
- Davy Knot update
- Fishing & gas
- Tandem Rigs
- Wet Fly Clinic w/ Davy Wotton filling up
- HFFA Expo 3/29/2008
- Evil scientists of flyfishing
- cleaning and changing fly lines
- Hot Spots article link
- Sad news...
- Anyone here regularly fish the lower TMA (bulls Bridge)
- Thank you Brookie!
- George Harvey Obituary & Guestbook
- How good can a trout see
- Connecticut Fly Fishermen's Association - April meeting
- 2008 World Fly Fishing Championships
- Uni to uni
- April FOTM
- March FOTM
- Thanks to Torrey for a Excellent Lower TMA Tour
- TPO on the lower D
- traveling back to NJ
- Good flys for the end of the month in april ?
- trout trip in nc
- Catch and Release
- Summer 2008 Fly Fishing Destinations/Vacations
- Global Fly Fisher's leader calculator....
- Where would you go?
- Red Sunset Amnesia......using for flyline loop connection/nymph leader
- If you had......
- happy fish
- Need advise on literature
- Connecticut Fly Fisherman's May Meeting
- New to CT
- Fishing the Gorge
- fishon
- Fished w/ my Sunset Amnesia this weekend.
- Czech Nymphing Gear
- New Czech Nymps
- A few Questions: finally back on TPO
- streamers, wets,nymphs, dries?
- USGS River Flow Data Query
- Leaders and tippets???
- Prospecting New rivers
- Hatchery vs. Wild Trout.
- A little fish porn..
- Congrats to Dr.DavetheRave
- Fly Fishing Seminar
- Crowded waters
- Bats - something is killing them (white-nose syndrome)
- *** Kudos to Temple Fork Rod Company!
- French Competitive Fly-Fishing Team Comments and Photos
- In Less Than FOUR Months. . .
- Took Some Kids Fishing Today!
- Circle Hooks (and the issue of gut-hooking)
- Fly Line?
- Pictures from Clinic with Loren
- Airline Scams
- "Night Fishing" - trout in the darkness
- Retying knots after A C&R
- Bulls Shoals dam
- ...leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...
- A Real Eye-Opener, Disappointments and Revelations
- WARNING: THIS IS SICK!!! (fish porn)
- Some Observations From the Last Week.... Post Montana
- Atlantic salmon return in numbers to eastern Canada
- The New TPO Lodge Near the White River
- Nymph Clinic w/ Aaron at HRO 8/9/08
- Anglers of Old vs. Modern Day
- TPO Czech Nymphing Clinic October 11th, 2008
- Take a Look At This
- small stream & trib success this summer
- CFFA September meeting
- Stolen drift boat
- Danny Marino kicks ass at World Youth FF Championships
- evidence of changing times
- Competitions?
- Loren William's article "Wallflower". Very good read. Check it out.
- Oh the fish swam away just fine...
- If you like photos...
- "Back to Basics"
- The "I hate My Job and I Need to See Fish Porn" Thread!
- catch magazine
- Madison River
- Menhaden (bunker) fish kill
- it wrong to be skeptical of the HRO fishing report from Thursday?
- Congrats to Loren and Team USA!
- Hardy is Coming! Hardy is Coming!
- HELP! Tennis Elbow!
- October CFFA meeting
- Hebgen Lake
- 'Tis the Season to fish EGG PATTERNS: Fall 2008
- World Fly Fishing Championship Scotland 2009
- Stocked brown trout
- Look for the suckers
- Fly Tying Classes at HRO this winter
- Dissolved Oxygen and the Trout on the Farmington
- November meeting - CFFA
- What's Next?
- Interesting website
- 2009 Fly-Fishing Show - Somerset, NJ
- Holiday Shopping Ideas under $100
- What have you guys been tying lately?
- What are you going to work on in 2009?
- Late Fall Fishing 2008
- Competition Interest Part1?
- Vladi/Jack Dennis DVD Question
- Split Shot weight conversion chart
- CFFA December meeting